August 23, 2017
Shoe shopping is the best kind of shopping because, for one, they always fit, and for two, they almost always look good! But life can get busy, and sometimes it’s luxuries like shoe shopping that are, wrongfully, our first sacrifices. Here are 7 warning signs you need a shoe makeover!
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September 26, 2016
This is a tough time of year for everyone. Kids are faced with back to school anxiety, the days are getting shorter, and summer is coming to a close. In order to pick up our spirits, we have created a list of some of our favourite things that will be sure to cure even the worst cases of the Back-to-School blues!
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August 06, 2016
Feeling like a strong, confident lady can be as easy as standing a little taller - both mentally and physically. The no-fuss way? Slip on a pair of platform flip flops for beach weddings or to add instant oomph in your step everyday. Check out our video to see them up close!
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July 28, 2016
It’s Saturday! And guess what? There’s no day like today to catch up on your beauty rest. Don’t let yourself make excuses as to why you must set that alarm even on your day off. Or at least give us the opportunity to convince you before you do. Here are 7 surprising reasons you should sleep more (on Saturdays).
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June 15, 2016
As summer approaches, so it becomes the season for all things "B"- barbecues, boating season and beach weddings. Whether it's your first or your fourth, planning the perfect wedding is an intimidating task. Some of the small details that fall through the cracks...turn out to be a big deal later. Don't have these regrets!
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May 11, 2016
They say every girl wants to be a princess. I don't know why, but in my mind princesses in the movies (and maybe some in real life) always needed to be saved from the verge of disaster. I'd rather be the Queen! I thought these princess quotes were funny, do you?
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April 27, 2016
About 60 seconds after I became a mom for the first time, I appreciated my mother 1000x more. I immediately all her sacrifices and felt ashamed at all the petty arguments I put her through over the years. Thankfully, my mom, like many other moms out there, forgives, forgets, and continues to offer me unconditional love and support. How are you celebrating your Mom this Mother's Day? Here, 33 meaningful ways...
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March 28, 2016
I grew up with palm trees, azure beaches and white sand beaches in the tropics. Heat and sunshine are just something deeply ingrained in my genes. If you're in an area where megadoses of Vitamin D in the winter are necessary to keep you sane, I feel for you.
The good news is cherry blossoms are in full bloom and we're ready to say goodbye to dark days and cold weather! Here’s what we’re looking forward to most for the upcoming season.
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March 07, 2016
It's almost Spring and time to pull out your cutest footwear! The Girl Two Doors Down loves San Diego (we visited three times in 18 months) and here we offer you some must-see boutiques in the area. Can you say "sea shells and shoe shops by the seashore" five times?
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March 07, 2016
If you’ve never heard of Antigua, we can’t really blame you: it’s a little twin island country (Antigua and Barbuda) set between the meeting point of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Home to 365 different beaches, it was the perfect setting for a trip for the Girl Two Doors Down – where we flip-flopped around without a care!
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February 12, 2016
As women, we often give too much of ourselves to others. We love everyone else unconditionally, but not ourselves. This Valentine’s Day, give yourself just a little bit more love than usual.
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