July 18, 2016
You were upset, you said some things you shouldn’t have, and your girlfriend caught wind of the gossip and now refuses to talk to you. You’ve been in fights with others over your lifetime, but this one you surely don’t know how to handle. Don’t fret: here are three ways to repair a relationship when the absolute worst scenario happens, ie. your girlfriend hears you gossiping about her.
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June 15, 2016
As summer approaches, so it becomes the season for all things "B"- barbecues, boating season and beach weddings. Whether it's your first or your fourth, planning the perfect wedding is an intimidating task. Some of the small details that fall through the cracks...turn out to be a big deal later. Don't have these regrets!
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April 27, 2016
About 60 seconds after I became a mom for the first time, I appreciated my mother 1000x more. I immediately all her sacrifices and felt ashamed at all the petty arguments I put her through over the years. Thankfully, my mom, like many other moms out there, forgives, forgets, and continues to offer me unconditional love and support. How are you celebrating your Mom this Mother's Day? Here, 33 meaningful ways...
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February 12, 2016
As women, we often give too much of ourselves to others. We love everyone else unconditionally, but not ourselves. This Valentine’s Day, give yourself just a little bit more love than usual.
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